Why Los Pellines?

We design Educational Experiences that strengthen bonds and relationships within a community. We promote the visibility of individuals, giving them presence through a culture of recognition. We support educational entities in integrating a New Education focused on the world of relational skills and exploring new ways to guide student learning.


Relational Education: Being in Others

Relational Education, or "Pedagogy of Recognition," aims to connect people by recognizing their humanity. At Los Pellines, students gain knowledge and skills while being seen and recognized by their community. This pedagogy restores the value of the other in the educational process, generating practices, reflections, and continuous learning through conversations and meaningful experiences.

Positive Education: Focused on Strengths

Positive Education is based on Positive Psychology and focuses on exploring and enhancing the strengths of systems and individuals to generate significant and lasting changes. In the educational context, this means that teachers, students, and everyone involved in the act of education develop skills and values that reflect the best of each person, co-creating learning spaces.

Environmental Education: In the Heart of the Forest and the Mountains

Environmental Education is crucial for human survival and ecosystems. At Los Pellines, we strengthen our connection with nature, awakening ancestral awareness. This is achieved through direct experiences with nature, elements, and biological systems, in childhood and adolescence, laying the foundations of the human being.

School Experiences

NATURAL CONNECTION: 3rd and 4th Grade

We aim to sensitize and connect students with their environment and others. We invite them to identify with their experiences, recognizing emotions and sensations.

We strengthen their self-awareness and consciousness, encouraging them to value themselves, nature, and others. We broaden their worldview, promoting respect, care, and trust. They experience a sense of belonging and awareness about personal care, care for others, and the environment. They develop effective relationship skills and interact with nature, promoting environmental protection. We motivate them to open up to new experiences, fostering creativity, tolerance to frustration, curiosity, expression, and motivation.

LIVING AND COEXISTING: 5th and 6th Grade

We want to awaken the students' senses and show them new learning experiences. We teach them how to listen, observe, and know themselves and

los demás. Valoramos sus fortalezas y les animamos a descubrir su propio valor. Juntos, experimentamos el poder del trabajo en equipo y la cooperación. Estimulamos la curiosidad y el autoaprendizaje, fomentando una pasión por descubrir más. Desarrollamos la autonomía y el respeto hacia los demás. Valoramos la diversidad y reconocemos las virtudes y habilidades de cada individuo. Conectamos con la naturaleza y promovemos la protección del entorno. Cultivamos la creatividad y la resolución de problemas.

POWERFUL LIVES: 7th and 8th Grade

We aim to strengthen the identity and self-esteem of each student, exploring emotions and sensations to understand our relationships. We change the way...

we perceive, think, and act towards ourselves, the environment, and others. We value and validate the experiences of others, fostering meaningful relationships. We develop skills to improve our relationships effectively. We recognize the importance of community and love in our lives. We cultivate critical and creative thinking.

POWERFUL RELATIONSHIPS: 1st and 2nd Year of High School

We promote self-awareness and the integration of our identity. We learn to relate effectively with ourselves and others.

We value their strengths and encourage them to discover their own worth. Together, we experience the power of teamwork and cooperation. We stimulate curiosity and self-learning, fostering a passion for discovery. We develop autonomy and respect for others. We value diversity and recognize the virtues and abilities of each individual. We connect with nature and promote environmental protection. We cultivate creativity and problem-solving skills.

POWERFUL COMMUNITIES: 3rd and 4th Year of High School

We foster self-awareness and self-confidence to grow as individuals. We provide tools to visualize life projects and develop leadership.

We value and validate the experiences of others, fostering meaningful relationships. We develop skills to improve our relationships effectively. We recognize the importance of community and love in our lives. We cultivate critical and creative thinking.


During adolescence, the pursuit of novelty, social involvement, increased emotional intensity, and creative exploration are essential characteristics for full development.

We build networks based on trust and love. We discover the importance of trust to open opportunities. We cultivate spirituality and connect with our dreams and purposes. We overcome obstacles, break down limiting beliefs, and develop spontaneous leadership. We develop collaborative work skills. We understand our relationship with the environment and acquire tools to lead our lives.

University Experiences


We create spaces to learn relevant skills in the 21st century. We strengthen the relationship with oneself and develop self-management. We learn to think and build the world ...

differently. We value connection with nature and interpersonal relationships. We become aware of our actions and their impact on the environment and the community.


Let's imagine a network of young change agents driving projects in their schools, families, and communities. We highlight the positive qualities of youth and their role...

in personal growth. Together, we raise awareness of our power to take action and build networks to effect significant changes in society. We strengthen our skills and abilities during the programs. We seek novelty, fully experience, and commit ourselves. We create social connections and supportive friendships. We feel an emotional intensity that gives vitality to our lives. We creatively explore, tackle problems with innovative approaches, and generate new ideas.

The Facilitators in Charge of the Experience

Our facilitators are young individuals who are passionate about nature and education, and have degrees from various fields of study. Through our ongoing training program, they acquire skills in the Relational Education model, outdoor safety, first aid, and other relevant topics. Each group is assigned one facilitator for every five participants, providing high-quality personalized attention.

At Los Pellines, we value outdoor experiences and meaningful learning. School principals from across the country trust us, sending their students to reconnect with nature. Their testimonies reflect the profound impact of our experiences on young people. We are committed to restoring connections between individuals and the nature of Los Pellines. Join those who choose to go beyond traditional education, embracing the restoration of bonds.


Suggested Readings

At Los Pellines, we believe in the importance of reading as a source of inspiration and knowledge. These are some books we recommend to understand the origin of our methodology, the purpose, and the meaning that drives us:

"POWERFUL RELATIONSHIPS" by Arnoldo Cisternas and Joan Quintana

In this book, the authors highlight the power of interpersonal relationships as a fundamental basis of life. They offer a practical methodology for developing effective and meaningful relationships, based on empathy, trust, assertive communication and the ability to actively listen.


This book addresses the importance of recognizing others in the educational act. It provides ten keys to apply this relational perspective in the different moments of the relationship among the actors of the educational community.


Pepe Menéndez, an expert in educational innovation, raises challenging questions about the possibility of innovating in vulnerable educational environments. Through real stories, he invites reflection on education and promoting a more humane learning experience aligned with current competencies.


This book highlights the importance of direct exposure to nature in child development. Based on research, Louv advocates for connecting children and their families with nature to promote healthy and balanced growth.

"THE ONTOLOGY OF LANGUAGE" by Rafael Echeverría

In this work, Echeverría offers a new interpretation of what it means to be human from a postmodern and post-metaphysical perspective. Based on the importance of language, he explores how social phenomena are intrinsically linked to communication.


This book invites us to reconnect with ancestral wisdom and restore our lost bond with the Earth. Through native principles of the Mapuche worldview, Mora guides us towards a human inhabiting of consciousness, care and interrelation with our planet.

Schools That Visit Us

Educational institutions that have trusted us and with whom we have developed a lasting and solid relationship over the years.

Frequently Asked Questions

At Los Pellines, we value your questions and want to provide you with clear and useful answers. That’s why we have compiled the frequently asked questions into a PDF file that is constantly updated. To access this up-to-date and comprehensive information, we recommend downloading the PDF and having it on hand for any inquiries you may have. We are committed to providing you with the best information and support for your experience with Los Pellines.

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Do You Have Questions? We Have Answers

Los Pellines offers a traditional menu based on white meat proteins, as well as a vegetarian menu. If a participant has a dietary restriction, we will share the menu so you can evaluate which items we offer that they cannot eat. You can also send some foods, if desired, just for your child. It is important to provide this information at least 10 days in advance so we can make the corresponding requests to our kitchen staff, since Los Pellines does not have nearby places to purchase food, so we place our orders in advance.

Los Pellines has a traditional menu, based on white meat proteins and a vegetarian menu. If the participant has a dietary restriction, we will share the menu to evaluate which items they cannot eat from what we offer. You can also send some food, if you wish, to be given only to your child.

It is important to provide this information at least 10 days in advance so we can make the corresponding requests to our kitchen team, since Los Pellines does not have nearby places to shop, we place our orders in advance.

Es importante informar esta información con al menos 10 días de anticipación de manera de poder hacer las solicitudes correspondientes a nuestro equipo de cocina, ya que Los Pellines no tiene cerca lugares para comprar, realizamos nuestros pedidos con anticipación.

First and foremost, it’s important to know that Los Pellines does not have cell phone signal, so direct communication with your children will not be possible. Therefore, we have two valid channels to inform parents about their children.

The teacher or accompanying adult will have access to make a daily call to inform details of the group to a course delegate who can then communicate with the rest of the parents.

The other way is through our website, in the news tab. There, we will upload a brief news piece daily with a maximum of 3 group photos, describing what has been done and how the group is doing.

At Los Pellines, we only have satellite Wi-Fi, which can sometimes be unstable, and we spend most of our time outdoors with the children, so please know we will respond to emails and WhatsApp as soon as possible.

In case of an emergency that occurs to families outside of Los Pellines and they wish for that reason to withdraw their child, please always channel the information through the school. In case of an emergency, the school will know how to communicate with us.

El profesor o adulto acompañante, tendrá acceso a realizar una llamada diaria para informar detalles del grupo a un delegado del curso que luego pueda comunicar al resto de los papas.

La otra vía, es través de nuestra web, en la pestaña de noticias. Ahí subiremos a diario una breve noticia con un máximo de 3 fotos grupales, contando que se ha hecho y como está el grupo. 

En Los Pellines, contamos solo con Wifi Satelital, a veces la señal no es muy estable y pasamos la gran mayoría de nuestro tiempo en terreno con l@s niñ@s, para que sepan que responderemos correos y WhatsApp a la brevedad que nos sea posible.

En caso de una emergencia que suceda a las familias fuera de Los Pellines y quisieran por esa razón retirar a su hijo, por favor siempre canalizar la información a través del colegio. En caso de emergencia el colegio sabrá comunicarse con nosotros.

Among the objectives to work on during the trip that your child will have with their classmates is to provide them with tools to live better with themselves and others, so we will emphasize the accompaniment of each of the participants, so that they can take experiential steps focused on emerging within their student community and can maximize their individual and collective journey, strengthening the bonds with their community.

Yes, you can send your child with their cell phone, but you should consider that there is no cell phone signal at Los Pellines and children do not have access to Wi-Fi. If you decide to send your child with a cell phone, it is important to know that upon arrival, we will ask for the phone to be stored during the days of the trip in our time suitcase or Chronos, for the following reasons.

We want participants to connect with the experience, with themselves, their peers, and nature, and for these purposes, cell phones and tablets become distractions from the experience.

Los Pellines is not responsible for the loss or damage of cell phones that have not been handed over to Chronos.

Los Pellines provides photos at the end of each experience so that participants are not worried about having to take them.

Buscamos que los participantes se conecten con la experiencia, consigo mismos, sus compañeros y la naturaleza y para estos efectos celulares y tablets se transforman en distractores para la experiencia.

Los Pellines no se hace cargo de perdidas o daños de los celulares que no se han entregado a Chronos.

Los Pellines entrega fotos al final de cada experiencia para que los participantes no estén preocupados de tener que tomarlas.

There will be some activities in which your child will not be able to actively participate; however, they can join in another role alongside the Facilitators. Nevertheless, there will be a large part of the activities that they can participate in without a problem, so I recommend that they attend so as not to miss this great experience with their classmates.

It would be good to also inform us if they are in pain and all the specifics regarding their treatment.

Lastly, I inform you that through our working methodology, the Team of Facilitators will be aligned about the care towards your child and the necessary precautions during the entire trip. According to this, it is important that your child is clear about the individual dynamics in which they will participate during the trip to avoid feeling uncomfortable.

Sería bueno nos informara además si el presenta dolor y todas las especificaciones respecto al tratamiento.

Por último, le comento que mediante nuestra metodología de trabajo el Equipo de Facilitadores estará alineado acerca de los cuidados hacia su hij@ y las precauciones necesarias durante todo el viaje, acorde a esto es importante que su hij@ venga claro ante la dinámica individual en la cual participará durante el viaje, para evitar que se sienta incómodo.

Yes, we have internal procedures and protocols, which include the possible risks of activities, Earthquakes, Fires, Electrical storms, and Volcanic activity.

I can also tell you that we are coordinated with the authorities to articulate an evacuation plan defined by Onemi, in case of a volcanic emergency.

In the event of volcanic events, the orange alert can remain for days, weeks, and months, which is clear, that authority will notify us in time to leave the area, as long as we are in the exclusion zone, for now, we are 23.5 km away, and the exclusion zone is defined for 10 km.

Moreover, I tell you that our focus at Los Pellines is on the safety of each of our visitors and to anticipate possible events that affect the children’s experience.

También te puedo comentar que estamos coordinados con las autoridades para articular plan de evacuación definido por Onemi, en caso de emergencia volcánica. 

En caso de los eventos volcánicos, la alerta naranja puede permanecer por días, semanas y meses, lo que está claro, que autoridad nos avisará con tiempo para abandonar zona, siempre y cuando estemos en zona de exclusión, por ahora estamos a 23,5 km y zona de exclusión está definida para 10 km.

Además, le cuento que nuestro foco de los Pellines está en la seguridad de cada uno de nuestros visitantes y adelantarse a los posibles eventos que afecten la experiencia de l@s niñ@s.

Our project is based on accompanying meaningful learning experiences based on the principles of the Relational Model, so it is part of the role of the Team of Facilitators to respect and accompany children, adapting to their interests, rhythms, and needs.

We have experience with children with this diagnosis, we will align the team to anticipate your child’s needs, specifically in activities that may complicate them, and we will work on providing clear instructions and discourses. We will work with the Program Director and their “godfather guide” to anticipate contexts that may frustrate them and ensure that the trip is attractive and relationally profitable both individually and collectively.

Tenemos experiencia con niñ@s con este diagnóstico, alinearemos al equipo para anticiparnos a las necesidades de tu hijx, específicamente en las actividades que puedan complicarle y trabajaremos en entregar instrucciones y discursos concretos. Trabajaremos con Director de Programa y su “Guía padrino” para anticiparnos ante contextos que puedan frustrarlos y atender que el viaje sea atractivo y rentable relacionalmente tanto para ellos de manera individual como en lo colectivo.

By vehicle, it is about 1.5 hours at a moderate speed. Los Pellines is located at km 38 on the road to the Chillán hot springs. From there, it is 16 km to our center. The dirt road must be traveled with caution due to vehicular flow and sharp turns.

The food is varied and plentiful, so it is not necessary to bring extra food. We recommend not sending sweets or snacks, as it is generally not possible to control their intake, which can cause stomach discomfort, even conflict among peers.


The bathrooms have individual showers to ensure the privacy of our guests.

Los Pellines operates as a mountain shelter; we have fireplaces in rooms and common areas, and we also have a radiator system that heats all our facilities. In the mornings, the fireplaces are lit to quickly warm the spaces.

We have four rooms, with varying numbers of beds. With a total capacity of up to 20 people.

Currently, Los Pellines has two centers that operate simultaneously. This includes autonomous centers in terms of facilities and teams working exclusively in each center. We are set in a 240-hectare estate where we ensure that the groups do not meet or have any kind of interaction, guaranteeing the safety and exclusivity of each experience.

No child is forced to do something they don’t want to. We encourage participation, but if resistance persists, we do not force them under any circumstances. We take particular care of those who require more attention or support to perform a task and in the case of aquatic activities, we provide life jackets and continuous supervision for all children, especially those who declare they cannot swim or feel insecure.

We have one guide for every 5 children. Each one has different functions, one of them, along with the teacher, is responsible for administering medications to the children who require it as appropriate. Our task and commitment are facilitated if you detail all the information regarding the medication your child takes on the medical form.

The Guides have certified first aid courses to provide an initial response, and we have a nursing station with everything necessary for this. If a problem arises, such as traumas or discomforts, the first response will be provided, and then the child will be evacuated to the Clínica Chillán, accompanied by a Teacher and a Guide. We also immediately call their guardian to keep them informed. Parents will always be the first to know if an accident occurs or if their child is unwell.

According to our protocols, 2 adults (2 guides or 1 guide + 1 teacher) must sleep in each room, to accompany them in case they need anything during the night and in case of an emergency, so that the children are always accompanied.

Yes, the bunk beds have rails, but you can still request in the medical form, specifically in the observations, your concerns to accommodate and place the child on the lower part of the bunk bed. Lights are left on in the hallway in case they need to go to the bathroom, and yes, of course, a headlamp is essential for the trip to Los Pellines.


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